Amazon Sales Figures – Month 1
I’m not sure how many UK sellers share their sales figure openly but as it is early on in my Amazon account I figured I don’t mind sharing. Hopefully, it give some encouragement for others to try FBA.
Let’s get straight to it.
As mentioned in the previous post, I started FBA on April 1st 2014. Collected household items (mainly books) and did a little buying. Managed to ship 4 boxes which finally started selling on April 10th. A bit of a slow turn around but although it is a simple process to send in your products, it was all new…. had to get labels, tape, boxes etc.. but got there.
Anyway, here’s some figures…
Note I only turned on other EU countries on April 25th. Some sales are better than none 🙂
Result: I’m ‘okay’ with the number for now. First take away is .. this stuff works! Second…. I need to spend and get more items sent in. I’ve got a good budget to buy with but have found it difficult to buy. Each day I’m finding new sources so it is getting easier. This week (last 7 days) I’ve managed to spend about £250 per day on average. I need to get closer to £1k per day … work in progress.
My Amazon FBA eCommerce Sales Figures - May to July | Niche Spin
August 1, 2014 @ 11:55 am
[…] Amazon Sales Figures – Month 1 […]