Newsstand and Mobile Apps with Corona SDK Tutorials
After a small break from the Newsstand App development articles I want to tell you about a Corona SDK Tutorial I am taking, but first, a quick update on what i’ve been working on over the last few months in general.
Not much!
Well, that’s not really true… I’ve been working my nuts off but just not on App development. I’m making a concerted effort to try and put the consulting job to one side and concentrate on my online income. If you didn’t know, my day job is all to do with SAP technology and I’ve been trying to transition away from the 5 days per week at client sites (and hotels) to staying at home a hell of a lot more. AND… I’m starting to have a bit of success.
I’ve been working on a few online courses that I sell on my other website all to do with SAP training (which is pretty cool stuff, honest) and after a bit of online promotional work I’ve manage to pull in a regular monthly income from the course sales. Not enough to replace the consulting work… in fact far from it, but it is going in the right direction.
Hmmm, I’ll stop Waffling on
I enjoy teaching the SAP stuff but you’ve got to have a break from doing the same thing day in day out, so this is where my interest in App development crops up.
So to get back on topic. I want to tell you about what has been going on in my own little app development world. I’ve got tons of ideas and really enjoying screwing around with development technologies but I don’t know what I want to do first.
You see, the SAP courses I have produced could be turned into their own mobile apps. I can stick them on the IOS and Android market place and see what sales come, but I think they will be too pricey for mobile platforms. The race to bottom in mobile app pricing has already been run!
I’m really keen to get going with the magazine app development again too but i’m looking for the niche to produce it for. I have one mag app on the iTunes App store, but I can tell you, it’s takes a lot of work to produce a magazine on a monthly basis.
I would need to pick a niche that keeps my attention for a long time; just like with blogs, you have to give your subscribers new and interesting content on a regular basis. I could make a mix of all sorts of topics, a bit like I’ll keep pondering this thought for now though.
So, what is floating my boat at the moment?
Answer: Corona SDK
I’ve been going through a Corona SDK tutorial course I purchased at Udemy all about game development with the Corona SDK. The course author, Jay Whye, does a fantastic job of showing how a newbie Corona developer (that’s me) can start with absolutely no experience and produce a bloody good game that can then be published to multiple app stores and platforms that Corona supports.
He goes through every single line of code in the game step by step resulting in an awesome tutorial. The videos are very well produced resulting in clear HD screencasts and you get to download all the game graphics and code that goes into building the app.
Corona SDK Tutorial
The course is called Beginning Mobile Game Development (aff. link) and if you are interested in learning game development this is an awesome place to start. The course will also give you a nice introduction to the Corona SDK plus Jay’s own unique development environment app called Outlaw.
Since playing around with the game code and Corona SDK itself I do have a few gripes. There is no standard development environment that Corona Labs supports (I mean, gives their approval) that include a built in debugger or up to date API reference. Everything you use to develop games has to be done using 3rd party tools. I fully understand that the team behind the Corona SDK are a small company and it takes people and money to produce this type of thing but it doesn’t stop me from asking for things like this 🙂
Another, more immediate gripe in my mind is that the Corona SDK does not currently support the Windows RT and mobile platform. I personally think they are missing out here. I totally understand they want to focus on the platforms that have a large user base and this makes sense. But I think most of the tech community write off Windows platform too easily. Lets face it, Microsoft dominate the desktop and enterprise. The Windows market place will grow and grow and will be the default place to buy software for PC’s. Once enterprises start building software for the Microsoft mobile platforms (which they will, i think), a cross platform development product such as Corona could easily work it’s way into large corporations and secure a larger customer base.
Hmm, may be it’s just because I have worked in large enterprises that I have this biased opinion.
Anyway, that doesn’t stop me digging into mobile app development. I’m loving Jay’s course and love how simple the Lua language is AND how easy the Corona SDK makes cross platform game development.
Oh, one last thing before signing off. Checkout the CoronaGeek podcast / google hangout show. It will give you a flavour of what the Corona SDK is all about and you get an insight into the Indie developer community.
March 17, 2013 @ 2:01 pm
I hear you man; been planning to start my own mag but, it’s definitely a lot of work just thinking about the content & curation! Have been dabbling into app dev too and came across some mobile game development SDKs you might want to look into as Corona alternatives. Corona was definitely the first one I came across too maybe due to it’s popularity from early adopters but, here are some others worth mentioning –
1. stencyl – (has it’s own SDK, Flash-based and can publish to almost all platforms using v3.0 beta available to paid customers for $199/yr)
2. GameSalad – (amazing SDK and sample templates for different game types and can publish on multiple platforms incl. Windows. What I really like about it is that documentation is excellent and it has a robust community almost matching that of Corona’s priced at $299/yr). Note: The GameSalad team recently launched a competition partnering with and Samsung called “Unicorn Apocalypse” which ran for about 2 weeks with a reward of $25,000. Anyhow, Liquid Gameworks won it and here’s the end result: (check out video on the link). Not bad I’d say using GameSalad in just 2 weeks! I signed-up for it too but, you know how it is; busy with our daily mundane jobs 🙁
3. Construct2 – (just came across Construct2 and something about its ease of use really stands out! Check out the website and video plus can publish on all platforms. Also, for others reading this; the big plus is that a Mac is not a requirement and pricing seems to be a one-time price from $119 – $399 personal vs. business. Also, check out this tutorial – which shows how easy it is to get with developing your own game in a few minutes).
Let me know which one you end up using disregarding your $37 Corona ROI on udemy 😛
Later mate
PS – I guess I should revisit Corona at some point but, GameSalad and Construct2 are really beginning to stand out if one wishes to avoid touching even the Lua language.
March 18, 2013 @ 8:22 am
Hi Abid,
Thanks for the links. I have checked out GameSalad before but not Stencl or Construct2. They both look really cool. The Youtube video link you provided showing how to get going with Construct 2 by Chubzdoomer was awesome. The Construct 2 website should have something like that on their home page. It really showed how easy it is to get going.
I love the way they both try and remove coding from the process. I do like like to tinker with the code though
One thing that still makes me want to keep in touch with Corona is that you are not just limited to creating Games which the other 3 platform focus on.
Looks like like i’ve got some exploring to do!