Pay Per Click (PPC) and Other Stuff

I’ve been looking to ramp up the sales on one of my online income streams and have been working at PPC advertising.

In the past I had some success promoting this product so I decided to return to the PPC promotions again now I know more about it.

I’ve had several campaigns setup with Google Adwords for the last week. Initially most of the campaigns were refused due to TradeMark issues with my ads but they are just about sorted out now.

How has the PPC promotion gone?

Well, so far… zero conversions for my direct linking up to now, but hopefully this will not be for long. I plan on changing things up a bit. Previously the content network worked for me on the same offer but at the moment I only have search campaigns setup.

So will add some content network campaigns. This will allow me to target specific sites which I know will allow me to target specific groups of buyers.

Proof Of Concept – SAAS

On another note, I’ve been watching a few of the older webinars on a paid forum that I am a member of. One thing I already know, but the videos have helped reinforce and bring to the front of my mind is that I should be owning the whole show…. not just promoting offers that I have no control over (they can get pulled at any time). This is what bring in my best money anyway so that is where my focus should be.


With this in mind I have been doing some proof of concept work on a SAAS type product which I aim to promote through building an info product as well as PPC later on down the line.

These are ‘long term’ goals but to get the initial project off the ground I’ve setup a 1 page site to give you a 1 line intro. Head on over to

The initial build looks good and i’m pretty sure it would go down in quite a few different communities… IM, indie publishers, bloggers etc..

I’ll keep updating on this if anyone is interested.

Right, enough rambling on.